congrats to alyssa and jay!!!

>> Saturday, June 27, 2009

June 27, 2009



>> Thursday, June 25, 2009

Today I got my very last birthday present for the year.  My little sister and I have always been very different.... VERY VERY different, but in our adult lives we've both been making an effort to spend time together and rebuild our relationship.  Recently we decided that we'd really like to get a tattoo together.  We both have quite a few and we were both looking forward to getting a new addition.

So today, we did just that.  Now we both have two stars on the back of our right shoulders (one for each of us).  Emily's are much bigger than mine (mine look like they could fit inside Emily's), and they're shaped slightly differently, and we both love them.



>> Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy Father's Day!!

and happy first day of summer (officially)!!

The year is moving along so quickly.  So many things just keep happening, and every once in a while in the middle of doing something, I'll look up and think "is the year really halfway over?!"

I'm so excited for all of the new families and additions that have been arriving in the last few months.  :)

Emilia and Jack are both almost 3 months old, and sweet little Emory is a little over a week old and doing great!  
It's a funny feeling-- to love someone so small... it's a little bittersweet for me. I never really thought I'd be close to so many people who have children, but now that I am, I'm so unbelievably thankful, because they're all such a blessing in my life. 

The best part is watching my friends, who are already amazing people to begin with, turn into such wonderful moms and dads.  From the day Jaxon came home, to visiting Elise and Emory in the hospital, to tonight-- watching Emilia laugh at Jason... I've loved watching my friends love their children.

Witnessing all of their love and getting to be a part of their lives has meant so much to me, it gives me  refreshing feeling of hope about things I've been haunted by... and it's helped me grow as a person, so much.

Thank you for letting me be there, and for letting me hold them.  Thank you for being in my life and for the hope that you've given me, the love that you shown me, without ever knowing.