Sunday Survey

>> Sunday, August 3, 2008

The "rules" are as follows:

1. Link to the person who tagged you. (I had to look up on google how to do that. haha)

2. Post these six rules on your blog.

3. Write 6 random things about yourself.

4. Tag 6 people at the end of your post and link to them.

5. Let each person you have tagged know by leaving a comment on their blog.

6. Let the tagger know when your entry is posted.

I'm sorry Jillie
I'm not as computer savvy as you dear,
so I don't have the smallest idea how to link to you,
but I'll do this anyways
Just for you

1. I was arrested when I was seventeen years old. The other people is the situation will remain nameless, BUT when we were finally caught, we had already broken the law, and I'm sure a few moral codes, on various different levels. That night we had successfully burned a couch that we had picked up off the side of the road- in the middle of a construction zone, sped down backroads at speeds that I'm not sure that truck was supposed to be able to handle, none of us wearing seat belts. I, myself had stood up through the sun/ moon roof and shot bottle rockets out of my hands, while the truck was going ridiculously fast, and THEN, when he cops finally found us and pulled us over and searched us they confiscated our "illegal fireworks" and we found out that there were concealed weapons in the car... Oops! After laughing hysterically at a very angry officer, we got off the hook by some miracle and to this day you will not find a shred of evidence that the event ever took place.

2. I set my dad on fire once. We were all sitting at the dinner table for thanksgiving one year, and Emily was a baby, so I must have been 5 or 6. My mom loves candles, and every year for the fall season she sets out this really cool set of four blown glass candle holders, that year was no exception. Also, that year was the first year that I got to have "big kid silver-wear". Well, needless to say, my tiny mind was fascinated by two things: the candles, which were burning less than two feet away, and my giant silver fork. And while my mom and dad were putting the final touches on dinner, I decided it would be a great idea to stick my giant silver fork INTO the tiny flickering flame... (Jamie, please don't let Jax near candles, EVER)... and I would quickly put the fork back down onto my PAPER NAPKIN every time my mom or dad would come in and place something down on the table. Well, this went on for probably thirty minutes and I had HELD my fork inside the flame for a pretty long while when my dad came whipping around the corner and said "Danielle!!! Put that fork DOWN!!!" Well... I did. On the paper napkin. Poof!! the whole table was on fire. I have no idea how it happened, but I guess the fork was just hot enough, or I knocked little embers off of the candle, but somehow my napkin and very quickly the table cloth too, caught fire. My dad, luckily has pretty quick reflexes and he ripped the table cloth off the WOODEN table, and in the process caught his whole arm on fire. He still has the scars, so does the wooden table, and we don't have family dinners very often anymore. Oh, and I've never stuck any form of silver-wear into a flame again.

3. My husband proposed to me in an ice skating rink.

4. In elementary school I attended a private catholic academy in London, England. Yes, I wore a hideous uniform, yes there were nuns, yes they are terrifying and they WILL hit you with rulers, and yes, we played "Bloody Mary" in the bathrooms beneath the church attached to our school... I know, I'm a bad person, but I was like 8 years old... At least it wasn't a ouiji board.

5. I have a blood disease that I was born with, which manifests itself in my eye.

6. When I was 10 years old, a tornado touched down in front of our house and sucked part of the roof off. My dad was outside, going for his daily run when the storm hit, and after it sucked part of our roof off and ripped apart our neighbor's shed, it caught up with my dad and followed him down the street! He decided not to tempt fate and hide in the wooded area two blocks from our house, all he had were scrapes and a couple bruises.

that was fun, but I don't have anyone to tag who hasn't already been tagged.


Jillian August 3, 2008 at 8:09 PM  

I like the catching the table on fire story!
it was great :)