freedom is just another word for... nothing left to lose

>> Wednesday, October 29, 2008

I've grown restless with this place.

I wanted to pull my hair out today at work
and it took every once of self control not to shut myself in the fire-proof filing room and stay there until 430.
That job, and jobs like it, take a toll on you in the worst ways.
There's nothing like spending 9 hours a day in a giant, gray, windowless room filled with cubicles, computers, and middle aged women who would rather eat dirt than stop talking about the person on either side of them... UGH!

And I think that is the worst part. I know that gossip happens everywhere, and that everyone is guilty of it at one time or another, but to constantly hear it everyday more than you see sunlight each day is just ridiculous.

- I KNOW she's wearing something scandalous, BUT that doesn't mean that you have to talk about it for 45 minutes with three other people
- I KNOW that she is a snot, and that she hates all things that breath, smile, and laugh, BUT that doesn't mean that you have to talk about her for ten minutes after she walks by.
- Just because you have a phone at your desk doesn't mean that you have the right to use is for PERSONAL INTER-OFFICE CALLS WITH YOUR DAUGHTER WHO WORKS TWO ROWS DOWN
- If you don't feel like doing the paperwork, chances are, I don't want to do it for you, so stop putting it on my desk and laughing because you think you're so clever!
-Yes, I'm married and I'm only 22. NO I didn't get married because I was pregnant, running from the law, drunk, in Vegas, or stupid! People DO get married for out of LOVE you know.
- Even if her breath smells bad, you don't have to whisper it to the two people who sit in cubes beside her
-BY THE WAY, there is NO POINT in whispering something if you doing it so loud that a deaf person could understand.
- I know you're sitting at your desk NOT doing ANYTHING, and that you're middle aged, fat, unhappy, and popping pain killers every 3 hours, I ALSO know that your DRINKING ON THE JOB, but I don't talk about you!

- Didn't your mother ever teach you that if you don't have something nice to say DON'T SAY ANYTHING?!!?
- What about "treat others the way you want to be treated"
- Or "Love one another, as I have loved you."

It really really makes me want to shake people. Aside from it being stupid, hateful, ugly, cold-hearted, rude and distracting, it's WRONG. Best part: THERE'S NO REASON FOR IT.

No one is above making mistakes. Everyone has a bad day. Everyone wears something they shouldn't sometimes. And if you're in a room with 350 warm bodies, no windows, and gray everything, DON'T make things more complicated, ugly or stressful than they need to be just so you can feel better about yourself for ten minutes.

If you don't have SOMETHING besides gossiping to do with the small amount of time that God gives us on this earth, then you should seriously re-evaluate your live.

I'm done now...

7 days left at work, 14 left in this state.
and they won't go by soon enough...


Jaime G. October 29, 2008 at 7:57 PM  

sounds like a fun place to work.... sarcasm. ugh-people. people frustrate me (myself included)